When I worked at ACMoore last year, one of my co workers would bring in this green drink she made for herself that looked like seaweed. She always kept trying to make me taste it and it just totally grossed me out. It was her own blend of vegetables and fruit and I am sure it was good for her, but not appealing at all-
just smelling it made me gag.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago. My friend in Florida was very sick for awhile. I had no idea just how bad she was until a post from her on facebook revealed she was living one day at a time bed bound.
She posted a video of herself up and about, raking leaves and doing great after drinking this product called (of course, what else) Greens.
Needless to say I had flashbacks of ACMoore break room and having gross green stuff put in my face and hearing "try it....just take a taste....it's good for you.......". Nope---good for you but not for me!
I've always been the kid who sleeps till noon, up till 2 am and walks around all day with no energy.
59 1/2 years later, I'm now the old lady who sleeps till noon, up till 2 am and walks around all day with no energy. I have a list of to do's all over the house, but never seem to get enough strength to get up and do any of them.
And then my friend in Florida keeps posting about all her renewed energy because of this drink. So I give in and send for it. Yep, it's green alright. I mix a batch up with pineapple, orange juice. Yep, it's still green!
So to hide the color, I put it in a bottle that has a label on it so I can't see the color. Took it to work the next day and drank some. Yuck! Tasted green. Couldn't get it down. Now I trust my friend, if she says this drink gave her enough energy to get out of bed and rake leaves than I know it must have something good in it, so I went home and mixed more juice in with it. Instead of an 8 ounce glass with 2 scoops I poured a 16 ounce glass of juice with 2 scoops.
And here I sit drinking my 16 ounce of green stuff for the second day. My co worker would be so proud of me! I'll have to stop in ACMoore and tell her what I've done.
No energy yet, but it's only been 2 days..............I'll check back in and keep you posted. Who knows I just might get out and rake some leaves myself soon!